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  • chiefivy3

Fair Skin Foreigners Have Been Telling Us for Generations

Numerous countries throughout Europe have paid homage to the American Aborigine. Sculptures, paintings, and statues depicting the American Aborigine can be found in museums, on the sides of buildings, as store fronts for tobacco shops, and on the walls and ceilings of cathedrals. An example of that can be seen below.

On page 155 of Vol. 6, it reads, "The inhabitants of both continents (Africa and America) are of brown to black skin color, usually dressed only with a feather skirt and decorated with pearls and gold ribbons. They receive with humility and devotion the Word of God from the Benedictines, who are evangelizing in their midst." The depictions in the painting suggest that the American Indians the foreign priests encountered upon their arrival would today be labeled as "Black" or "African American". Notice the year the painting was designed.

Location of Church: Germany

Mallersdorf (Straubing Arch), St. John Evangelist [frescoes] Period of design: 1741-1747

Artists: Johann Adam Schöpf Theme Description: Vision of St. John on Patmos, in the face of the successful spread of the Benedictine order under the protection of Mary.

The Allegory of the Continents volumes can be found here:


Curator of Archaeology at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Nomi Greber told us during an interview, "Sometimes people overemphasize the mystery of the disappearance of the Hopewell people. But actually they didn’t disappear. The people who built these monuments and made these big earthworks and did all this work…and their descendants stayed in the area we’re quit sure…But they made a different way of making their living, and their culture evolved into something different, just as our own evolves. It changes from what George Washington did to what we did, but we’re still here." The Hopewell Indians populated lands along the Mississippi River and as far east as Pennsylvania. In the current sociopolitical climate throughout the United States, the Hopewell Indians would be classified today as African American or Black.

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